Private Boarding High Schools

The time has come for your child to go to boarding school and you are wondering whether you should take them to a state or private boarding school. The only way to know which one is more suitable is to know the difference between the two. State boarding schools usually provide free weekly boarding for students while private boarding school is paid for by the parents, and students do not necessarily have to go home on weekends. That is the most obvious difference – one is free and the other is not. While the issue of cost is a significant one for many parents, there are other factors to take into consideration:
•    The number of students in private boarding school tends to be smaller because these schools are strict about who gets in – students are required to take a series of tests and only those who pass are able to get in.
•    The larger class size in state boarding schools usually means that academic guidance is not as rigorous as it should be – teachers simply do not have enough time to pay attention to each student. Over time, performance can be affected – students who would otherwise have thrived in private boarding schools end up with lacklustre performance.
•    Pastoral care, or emotional support, is not as good in state boarding schools as it is in private ones. Students need emotional guidance because they are away from home, and also because they are growing up. Private schools have special mechanisms in place so that each student can receive the care that they need.
•    The facilities in state schools are not as good as those in private schools.
Why don’t you enrol your child in one of the best private boarding schools, the Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies? They have excellent academic performance as well as great pastoral care.